Shaw Respect Association

The Shaw Respect Association provides a unique opportunity to invest in the people of our small island community.

Shaw Island high school students are typically ineligible for many off island college scholarships—and Shaw Respect is the only organization providing educational scholarships specifically to our community for college students and adults continuing their education. 


In 2000, a group of Shaw Island residents formed Shaw Respect, a non-profit organization based on the principles of respect, open mindedness, and support.

Throughout the past 20 years Shaw Respect has provided educational opportunities. We offer scholarships for Shaw Island students attending college as well as for those seeking continuing education and education in trades.

In 2020, Shaw Respect remains committed to its founding principles of providing educational scholarship opportunities to the residents of Shaw Island, with respect and open mindedness.


Shaw Respect is committed to funding educational scholarships for residents of Shaw Island.

Shaw Respect will establish a community scholarship review board to award scholarships through an application process with focus on open mindedness and support for those in need.

Shaw Respect will maintain fiscal responsibility towards all donors and contributors in keeping with state and federal 501 (3)(c) regulations.

Come visit us on the 3rd of July, 2023 at the Community Building for more information. 


Scholarship applications are being accepted for the upcoming academic year. Please submit a letter with your plans 


We invite your support and involvement. To learn how to apply for assistance, contact any Board member, email or mail us, or visit our website.

To celebrate 20 years of Shaw Respect, several fundraising events will be held. We hope you will join us in securing the future of scholarship funding for the Shaw Island community.